A space transport crashes down on a desolate planet. This planet has no night time, and as a result is basically a desert planet. The surviving passengers consist of Pilot Carolyn Fry, an escaped convict Richard B. Riddick, a bounty hunter William J. Johns, a religious man Abu "Imam" al-Walid and his 3 children, an Antique dealer Paris P. Oglivie, a runaway teenager Jack, and settlers John 'Zeke' Ezekiel and his lover Sharon 'Shazza' Montgomery. All of them come from different backgrounds, but will need to pull together to survive on this planet. During their search for water, they discover an abandoned camp, and a small spaceship, which they start to repair. They also discover a device, which when operational tells them that there will be an eclipse soon. Although no life can be seen or found on the planet, there is still life, but underneath, in dark caverns. These caverns house creatures which like the dark, and wait for the eclipse which comes every 22 years. So now the refugees are in a race against time, to fix the ship and escape before it is too late. Not all will make it, and some have different plans.