Sharpe's Challenge
BBC Home Video (2006)
TV Series  /  Action, Adventure, History, War
In Collection
Seen ItYes
IMDB   7.5
2 hr 18 mins UK / English
DVD  Region 1   PG (Parental Guidance)
Sean Bean Richard Sharpe
Daragh O'Malley Patrick Harper
Toby Stephens William Dodd
Padma Lakshmi Madhuvanthi
Aurélien Recoing Gudin
Lucy Brown Celia Burroughs
Michael Cochrane General Sir Henry Simmerson
Alyy Khan Mohan Singh
Peter-Hugo Daly Sgt Shadrach Bickerstaff
Thierry Hancisse Bonnet
Karan Panthaky Khande Rao
Nicholas Blane Crosby
Michael Elwyn Sir Samuel Rawlinson
Diana Perez Ramona Harper
Shruti Vyas Lalima
Sean Bean Sharpe
Daragh O'Malley Harper
Toby Stephens Dodd
Michael Cochrane Simmerson
Hugh Fraser Wellington
Peter-Hugo Daly Bickerstaff
Michael Elwyn Rawlinson
Tom Clegg
Producer Malcolm Craddock
Muir Sutherland
Writer Russell Lewis
Bernard Cornwell
Cinematography Nigel Willoughby
Musician John Tams
Dominic Muldowney

A local of Maharaja, Khande Rao (Karan Panthaky), is threatening the British interest in Maharaja. This comes only two years after Napoleon is destroyed by Waterloo by the Duke of Wellington. The Duke of Wellington sends Sharpe (Sean Bean) to investigate the matters in Maharaja and the mission begins. While Sharpe is in Maharaja a general’s daughter gets abducted by an Indian Warlord. Sharpe tries to rescue the generals daughter while fighting off the sexual advances of a Regent; Madhuvanthi (Padma Lakshmi). Madhuvanthi takes an interesting liking to Sharpe. Sharpe is in a bad position he wants to save the kidnapped daughter of the general but there are obstacles in his way.
Edition Details
Series Sharpe
Distributor BBC Home Video
Release Date 9/5/2006
Packaging Keep Case
Screen Ratio Fullscreen (4:3)
Subtitles English (Closed Captioned)
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital Stereo [English]
Stereo [English]
Layers Single Side, Single Layer
No. of Discs/Tapes 1

Behind-the-Scenes Deleted Scenes Outtakes Photo Gallery
User Defined
User Lookup 1 Sharpe