The movie Chicken Little is a children's book come to animated life. The main character of this movie is Chicken Little. He starts the movie by saying that the sky is falling and no one believes him. His father, a widowed chicken, is embarresed and tells everyone in the town that his son is imagining things. Flash forward a year and poor Chicken Little is having a rough life. Everyone believes he is a liar and his father has no faith in him. He is outside and once again a piece of the sky falls to the ground. He is sure no one will believe him so he picks up the piece of sky and carries it home. It appears to vanish. His two best friends come over to his house and he shows them the piece of sky which actually does not vanish rather is camafloges to match whatever is next it. Chicken Little tries to tell his father but alas he does not believe him. The rest of the story line deals with how he does indeed get the town to believe in him and regains his father's respect.