Stargate Sg-1: Season 8
MGM/UA (2004)
TV Series  /  Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, TV Classics
In Collection
Seen ItYes
IMDB   8.4
16 hr 20 mins USA / English
DVD  Region 1, Region 4   NR (Not Rated)
Richard Dean Anderson Colonel Jack O'Neill
Christopher Judge Teal'c
Michael Shanks Dr. Daniel Jackson
Amanda Tapping Captain Samantha Carter
Don S. Davis General George S. Hammond
Teryl Rothery Dr. Janet Fraiser
Jay Acovone Major Charles Kawalsky
Vaitiare Bandera Sha're
Robert Wisden Major Samuels
Peter Williams Apophis
Brent Stait Major Louis Ferretti
Gary Jones Sergeant Walter Davis
Alexis Cruz Skaara/Klorel
Richard Dean Anderson Brigadier General Jack O'Neill
Amanda Tapping Lt. Col. Samantha Carter
Gary Jones Sgt. Walter Harriman
Dan Shea Sgt. Siler
Dan Payne Kull Warrior
Tony Amendola Master Bra'tac
Eric Breker Major Reynolds
Cliff Simon Ba'al
Carmen Argenziano Jacob Carter
Don S. Davis Brigadier General George Hammond
Chelah Horsdal Lt. Womack
Isaac Hayes Tolok
Steve Bacic Camulus
Mario Azzopardi
William Corcoran
Peter DeLuise
Martin Wood
Producer Peter DeLuise
Ron French
Brad Wright
Writer Dean Devlin
Roland Emmerich
Cinematography James Alfred Menard
Andrew D. Wilson
Musician Joel Goldsmith
Neal Acree

This sequel to the 1994 movie Stargate chronicles the further adventures of SGC (Stargate Command). It turned out that the Goa'uld Ra was only one of many alien System Lords who used the Stargates to conquer much of the universe. When Earth uncovers a working cartouche to decipher the coding system of their own Stargate, they find they can now travel anywhere. Earth's military sends out SG teams to explore new planets, find technology, and oppose the Goa'uld. Jack O'Neill and Daniel Jackson from the original movie are part of SG-1. They are joined by Sam Carter, a scientist, and Teal'c, a Jaffa who is convinced the Goa'uld are not gods.
Disc 01
 1 hr 0 mins    7/9/2004  1.  New Order: Part 1
In a last ditch effort, O'Neill activated an Ancient weapon in the Antarctic to defeat Anubis. With Jack still in stasis in the Ancient outpost buried in Antarctica, SG-1 tries to contact the Asgard. Meanwhile their new leader, Dr. tries to decide what to do about a request for peace talks from the Goa'uld System Lords.
Director:  Andy Mikita  Writer:  Joseph Mallozzi  / Paul Mullie 
Guest starring:  G. Patrick Currie,  Torri HigginsonSteve Bacic, Kira Clavell, Kevan Ohtsji, Barclay Hope,  Chelah Horsdal, Todd Masters, Adam Behr, Geoff Redknap, Paul Hoosen, Jeny Cassady, Brad Proctor
 1 hr 0 mins    7/9/2004  2.  New Order: Part 2
The Asgard fleet has managed to destroy the Replicator ship, with Carter aboard, but cannot contain the debris. Talks break down with the System Lords, ending in a Ha'tak being dispatched to test Earth's new defensive capabilities. The Prometheus waits to engage the incoming enemy, but Thor arrives in the Daniel Jackson, with Teal'c aboard. They enlist the help of Daniel and Jack, still in stasis, to remove the threat of the replicators to the new Asgard homeworld.
Director:  Andy Mikita  Writer:  Robert C. Cooper 
Guest starring:  Amanda Tapping, G. Patrick Currie,  Torri HigginsonSteve Bacic, Kira Clavell, Todd Masters, Adam Behr, Geoff Redknap, Paul Hoosen, Jeny Cassady, Brad Proctor, Kevan Ohtsji, Barclay Hope,  Chelah HorsdalMichael Shanks
 1 hr 0 mins    7/23/2004  3.  Lockdown
Colonel Alexi Vaselov arrives at the SGC and soon becomes ill after talking with Jackson. When General O'Neill tries to have him put in quarantine, Daniel starts shooting, wounding two guards. Carter and base doctor Dr. Brightman determine that what made Vaselov ill and made Jackson start shooting wasn't a disease: it was Anubis, attempting to return to his empire to get a new body to possess. O'Neill places the SGC under lock down as SG-1 and the SGC attempt to force Anubis into some type of action. But the plan backfires and soon nobody can be trusted.
Director:  William Waring  Writer:  Joseph Mallozzi  / Paul Mullie 
Guest starring:  Gavin Hood,  Alisen DownAaron Pearl, Holly Ferguson, Arvydas Lebeliunas
 1 hr 0 mins    7/30/2004  4.  Zero Hour
As the new head of the SGC, General O'Neill is beginning to feel the weight of his load, and he starts to have second thoughts about the whole idea, questioning his own competency.
Director:  Peter F. Woeste  Writer:  Robert C. Cooper 
Guest starring:  Pierre Bernard,  Eric Breker, David Kaufman,  Steve BacicMichael Ryan, Jesai Jayhmes, James Ashcroft, Ken Kirzinger
Disc 02
 1 hr 0 mins    8/6/2004  5.  Icon
The discovery of the Stargate creates a war between two nations on the planet Tegalus with Daniel in the middle of it.
Director:  Peter F. Woeste  Writer:  Damian Kindler 
Guest starring:  Richard Side, Amy Sloan, Timothy Webber,  Matthew Bennett, James Kidnie, Chris Redmond, Leanne Adachi, Preston Cook, Charles Zuckermann
 1 hr 0 mins    8/13/2004  6.  Avatar
Dr. Lee and his team have modified one of the virtual reality chairs last seen in "The Gamekeeper" to host a combat simulation for training Stargate personnel. After claiming the simulation isn't realistic, Teal'c agrees to help the scientists refine it. Inside, he faces steadily mounting hazards. Worse, his own ego prevents him from leaving until the last Goa'uld is destroyed. Each time he dies in the scenario, the chair shocks him. Teal'c must find a way past the barriers of his own mind to escape before the virtual deaths sum to real fatality.
Director:  Martin Wood  Writer:  Damian Kindler 
Guest starring:  Andrew AirlieDan Payne
 1 hr 0 mins    8/20/2004  7.  Affinity
Teal'c saves a young man from a vicious beating. This is just the latest in a series of "incidents" since he took an apartment off-base and the Air Force is not pleased. Daniel Jackson attempts to explain why and how to keep a low profile, but Teal'c cannot help getting involved with a young woman whose boyfriend abuses her. In doing so he inadvertently plays into the hands of a mysterious group with access to Stargate knowledge...
Director:  Peter DeLuise  Writer:  Peter DeLuise 
Guest starring:  Brad Kelly, Christopher Attadia, Lucas Wolf, Judith Berlin,  Erica Durance, Sean Millington, Peter Bryant, Adrian Hughes, Kate Mitchell, Brad Sihvon, Rob Hayter, Benita Ha, Michael Rogers, Derek Hamilton, Clay Virtue
 1 hr 0 mins    8/27/2004  8.  Covenant
Owner and CEO of Colson Industries declares in a press conference that there is alien life and that he has proof. SGC fails in its attempts to keep him quiet on the battle over the Antarctic. However, they are greatly surprised when the proof he shows the media are not his satellite images, but a living Asgard.
Director:  Martin Wood  / Ron Wilkerson  Writer:  Robert C. Cooper  / Ron Wilkerson 
Guest starring:  Charles Shaughnessy,  Tom O'Brien, Kendall Cross,  Chris Shields, Ingrid Torrance, Brad Proctor, Morris Chapdelaine, George Grove, Nicolas Podbrey, Todd Masters, Paul Hoosen
Disc 03
 1 hr 0 mins    9/10/2004  9.  Sacrifices
Teal'c is unhappy with his son's plans to marry. Ishta arrives bringing news that Hak'tyl may be compromised. Complications arise when O'Neill allows Hak'tyl to inhabit SGC until a new homeworld is found for them.
Director:  Andy Mikita  Writer:  Christopher Judge 
Guest starring:  Jolene Blalock, Jeff Judge, Mercedes De La Zerda, Royston Innes,  Gary Jones, Simon Bailey, Noah Danby, Steve Lawlor,  Dan Payne
 1 hr 0 mins    9/17/2004  10.  Endgame
When the Stargate gets beamed out of SGC in the middle of the night, Teal'c is stranded off-world. Dr. Jackson and Colonel Carter attempt to recover the gate.
Director:  Peter DeLuise  Writer:  Joseph Mallozzi  / Paul Mullie 
Guest starring:  Ed Anders, Ryan Booth,  Chelah Horsdal, Rob Hayter, Barclay Hope, Scott Owen, Benita Ha, Peter Bryant, Lucas Wolf,  Gary Jones, Rob Lee, Mark Gibbon, Michael Sorich,  Brandy Ledford
 1 hr 0 mins    12/14/2004  11.  Gemini
The replicator Carter and the real Carter work together with the disruptor signal. The replicator has a different plan.
Director:  William Waring  Writer:  Peter DeLuise 
Guest starring:  Amanda Tapping, G. Patrick Currie,  Gary Jones, Jason Emanuel,  Chris Robson
 1 hr 0 mins    12/21/2004  12.  Prometheus Unbound
General Hammond returns to SGC to take Dr. Jackson with him on a trip to Atlantis onboard the Prometheus. In the middle of their trip, the Prometheus picks up a distress signal and Hammond decides to investigate. Things get sticky when a Kull Warrior takes control of the Prometheus, leaving Hammond and his crew, minus Daniel Jackson, behind in a damaged Alkesh.
Director:  Andy Mikita  Writer:  Damian Kindler 
Guest starring:  Don S. DavisGary Jones, Ellie Harvie,  Eric Breker, Morris Chapdelaine, Christoper Pearce, Geoff Redknap,  Dan Payne
Disc 04
 1 hr 0 mins    1/4/2005  13.  It's Good To Be King
SG-1 is sent to warn Harry Maybourne that the goa'uld System Lord Ares is coming to the planet where he was banished, and in the process they find what may be an Ancient time machine.
Director:  Peter DeLuise  / Michael Greenburg  Writer:  Joseph Mallozzi  / Paul Mullie 
Guest starring:  Wayne Brady,  Tom McBeath, Nancy Sorel, Melanie Blackwell, Robert Bruce, Zak Church
 1 hr 0 mins    1/11/2005  14.  Full Alert
Ex-Vice President Kinsey comes to Jack informing him of the Trust's activities including what seems to be a plan for the Russians to reclaim the Stargate they lent to the United States. He decides to use Kinsey as their inside man with the Trust. Kinsey wears a wire for his meeting with the Trust to set up a meeting with a high-ranking Russian general. The plan goes south when the signals get jammed just as the Trust makes an astounding revelation to Kinsey and they beam out.
Director:  Andy Mikita  Writer:  Joseph Mallozzi  / Paul Mullie 
Guest starring:  Hiro Kanagawa, Allan Gray, Mike Dopud,  Dmitry Chepovetsky, Joey Aresco, Francoise Robertson,  Ronny Cox, Lucas Wolf, Barclay Hope,  Chelah HorsdalGary Jones
 1 hr 0 mins    1/18/2005  15.  Citizen Joe
A man breaks into Jack's house and hold him at gunpoint claiming that Jack ruined his life. Seven years ago he came upon an Ancient artifact at a garage sale that allows him to see all of SG-1's missions.
Director:  Andy Mikita  /  Robert C. Cooper  Writer:  Damian Kindler 
Guest starring:  Andy Thompson, Mark Hansen, Alex Ferris,  Chad Krowchuk, Beatrice Zeilanger,  Dan Castellaneta, Deborah Theaker, Louis Chirillo,  Eric Keenleyside
 1 hr 0 mins    1/25/2005  16.  Reckoning: Part 1
When a goa'uld cargo ship is caught entering a neutral zone, it is learned that Carter is the pilot and is taken before the system lords. Then it is soon learned that she is the replicator version and has launched an all out war against the goa'uld. If the goa'uld can't stop the replicators, the replicators will overrun the galaxy in a matter of weeks. Can the people of the Milky Way find a way to stop them or will the galaxy fall to an enemy worse than the goa'uld.
Director:  Peter DeLuise  Writer:  Damian Kindler 
Guest starring:  Amanda Tapping, Samantha Banton, Jeff Judge, Dean Aylesworth,  Carmen Argenziano, Mel Harris,  Isaac Hayes, Kevan Ohtaji,  Gary Jones
Disc 05
 1 hr 0 mins    2/1/2005  17.  Reckoning: Part 2
The replicators are taking over the galaxy and are killing off the goa'uld. The replicators are becoming immune to any attack that is thrown at them. Then a way to destroy them is found: A weapon capable to destroy all life in the galaxy and dialing all the gates in the galaxy at once so that the replicators cannot adapt. The device can be altered to only destroy the replicators. That is why Baal and the real Carter join forces and the awesome battle for the galaxy begins.
Director:  Peter DeLuise  Writer:  Damian Kindler 
Guest starring:  Amanda Tapping, Jeff Judge, Dean Aylesworth,  Carmen ArgenzianoIsaac HayesEric BrekerGary Jones
 1 hr 0 mins    2/8/2005  18.  Threads
Daniel encounters Oma in a strange celestial coffee shop for ascended beings, and their conversation may be the only way to save the galaxy from Anubus' plan to unleash the weapon on Dakara. Meanwhile Teal'c and Master Bra'tac lead Jaffa forces on a more traditional attack. Sam must come to terms with Selmak/Jacob growing ill and Pete pressuring her to commit to the relationship.
Director:  Andy Mikita  Writer:  Robert C. Cooper 
Guest starring:  Amanda Tapping, Mel Harris,  Carmen ArgenzianoIsaac Hayes, Jeff Judge, Rik Kiviaho, Clare Carey,  Gary Jones, George Dzundza
 1 hr 0 mins    2/15/2005  19.  Moebius: Part 1
With the threats of both the Replicators and the Goa'uld greatly diminished and the sister ship to the Prometheus, the Deadalus, now under construction, SG-1 is anxious to get a ride on the new ship. However, the mood is somewhat darkened by a phone call informing Dr. Jackson of Catherine Langford's death. After the funeral, Catherine's niece gives Daniel "a few odds and ends" that her aunt wanted him to have. Upon delivery it is discovered that almost her entire collection was shipped to Daniel's lab. He finds in one of her books a possible location of a ZPM, but scans of the area showed that it was no longer there. Daniel proposes that they use the Ancient time machine to take it from Ra at Giza in 3000 BC.
Director:  Peter DeLuise  / Brad Wright  Writer:  Joseph Mallozzi  / Paul Mullie 
Guest starring:  Don S. DavisDavid HewlettRobert Wisden, David Lewis, Alessandro Juliani, James Purcell, Georgia Craig, Benjamin Easterday, Neil Schell, Jay Williams
 1 hr 0 mins    2/22/2005  20.  Moebius: Part 2
SG-1 has changed the course of history and made SGC virtually non-existent. Doctors Carter and Jackson have helped Brigadier General Hammond to find the Antarctic Stargate, but are not being allowed to help any further. They help Jack to power up the time machine, and he gets Hammond to allow them on the mission to find Teal'c.
Director:  Peter DeLuise  / Brad Wright  Writer:  Robert C. Cooper 
Guest starring:  Alessandro Juliani,  Jay AcovoneDavid HewlettDon S. Davis, Benjamin Easterday, Sina Najafi, Christopher Pearce, Rob Fournier
Edition Details
Series Stargate SG-1
Distributor MGM Home Entertainment
Release Date 10/4/2005
Packaging Custom Case
Screen Ratio Anamorphic Widescreen (1.78:1)
Fullscreen (4:3, Letterboxed)
Subtitles English; English (Closed Captioned); French; Spanish
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital 5.1 [English]
Dolby Digital Surround [French]
Layers Single Side, Single Layer
No. of Discs/Tapes 5

Disc 01 "SG-1 Beyond The Gate" Audio Commentary
Disc 02 Audio Commentary
SG-1 Directors Series: Avatar
SG-1 Directors Series: Covenant
Disc 03 Audio Commentary
Super Soldier: The Making of a Monster
Disc 04 Audio Commentary
Beyond the Gate
Disc 05 Audio Commentaries
SG-1 Directors Series: Reckoning
User Defined
User Lookup 1 Stargate