Star Trek: The Original Motion Picture Collection
Paramount (2000)
Action, Adventure, Drama, Science Fiction, TV Classics
In Collection
Seen ItYes
IMDB   6.4
12 hr 0 mins USA / English
Blu-ray  Region 1, Region A, Region B, Region C   PG (Parental Guidance)
William Shatner
Leonard Nimoy
DeForest Kelley
James Doohan
Walter Koenig
Nichelle Nichols
George Takei
Kim Cattrall
Mark Lenard
Grace Lee Whitney
Christopher Plummer
Paul Winfield
Kirstie Alley
Catherine Hicks
Majel Barrett
William Shatner Capt. James T. Kirk
Leonard Nimoy Spock
DeForest Kelley Dr. McCoy
James Doohan Scotty
George Takei Sulu
Majel Barrett Dr. Chapel
Walter Koenig Chekov
Nichelle Nichols Uhura
Persis Khambatta Ilia
Stephen Collins Decker
Grace Lee Whitney Janice Rand
Mark Lenard Klingon Captain
Billy Van Zandt Rhaandarite Ensign
Roger Aaron Brown Epsilon Technician
Gary Faga Airlock Technician
Robert Wise
Nicholas Meyer
Producer Gene Roddenberry
Harve Bennett
Jon Povill
Writer Nicholas Meyer
Leonard Nimoy
Gene Roddenberry
Harold Livingston
Cinematography Richard H. Kline
Musician Jerry Goldsmith

The movies that went beyond where no man has gone before.
The Motion Picture
    Seen it: Yes   2 hr 12 mins    12/7/1979  1.  The Motion Picture
When an alien spacecraft of enormous power is spotted approaching Earth, Admiral Kirk resumes command of the Starship Enterprise in order to intercept, examine and hopefully stop the intruder.
The Wrath of Khan
    Seen it: Yes   1 hr 53 mins    6/2/1982  2.  The Wrath of Khan
With the assistance of the Enterprise crew, Admiral Kirk must stop an old nemesis, Khan Noonien Singh, from using his son's life-generating device, the Genesis Device, as the ultimate weapon.
The Search For Spock
    Seen it: Yes   1 hr 45 mins    6/1/1984  3.  The Search For Spock
Admiral Kirk and his bridge crew risk their careers stealing the decommissioned Enterprise to return to the restricted Genesis planet to recover Spock's body.
The Voyage Home
    Seen it: Yes   1 hr 59 mins    11/26/1986  4.  The Voyage Home
To save Earth from an alien probe, Admiral Kirk and his fugitive crew go back in time to 20th century Earth to retrieve the only beings who can communicate with it, humpback whales.
The Final Frontier
    Seen it: Yes   1 hr 47 mins    6/7/1989  5.  The Final Frontier
Captain Kirk and his crew must deal with Mr. Spock's long-lost half-brother who hijacks the Enterprise for an obsessive search for God at the center of the galaxy.
The Undiscoverd Country
    Seen it: Yes   1 hr 53 mins    12/6/1991  6.  The Undiscovered Country
On the eve of retirement, Kirk and McCoy are charged with assassinating the Klingon High Chancellor and imprisoned. The Enterprise crew must help them escape to thwart a conspiracy aimed at sabotaging the last best hope for peace.
Star Trek: The Captains' Summit
    Seen it: Yes   1 hr 10 mins    5/2/2009  7. 
For the first time in Star Trek history, five of the final frontier's greatest names have been brought together for a 70 minute rare and unprecedented round table event. Filmed exclusively for the Star Trek: "Original Motion Picture Collection",. William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Patrick Stewart, Johnathan Frakes and host Whoopi Goldberg share candid insights, humorous moments, and intimate details about life on the set, working with each other and how Star Trek has affected their lives.
Edition Details
Edition Wrong media
Series Star Trek Movies
Release Date 5/12/2009
Packaging Custom Case
Screen Ratio Anamorphic Widescreen (2.35:1)
Theatrical Widescreen (2.35:1)
Subtitles English; English (Closed Captioned); French; Portuguese; Spanish
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital 5.1 [English]
Dolby Digital 5.1 [French]
Dolby Digital 5.1 [Spanish]
Dolby Digital Mono [Spanish]
Dolby Digital Stereo [English]
Dolby Digital Stereo [French]
Dolby Digital Surround [French]
Dolby Digital TrueHD [English]
Dolby Surround [French]
Mono [Spanish]
Layers Single Side, Single Layer
No. of Discs/Tapes 7

The Motion Picture Star Trek: The Motion Picture Commentary By Michael & Denise Okuda, Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens And Daren Dochterman
The Longest Trek: Writting The Motion Picture Special
Star Trek Reunion
Starfleet Academy: The Mystery Behind V'ger
Blu-ray Exclusive: - Library Computer - Star Trek I.Q. (Blu-ray Live)
Plus Over 15 Minutes Of Previously Released Content
The Wrath of Khan Commentary By Director Nicholas Meyer & Manny Coto
James Horner: Composing Genesis
Collecting Star Trek's Movie Relics
Starfleet: The Mystery Behind Ceti Alpha VI
Library Computer - Star Trek I.Q. (Blu-ray Live)
Plus Over 2 Hours Of Previously Released Content
The Search For Spock Commentary By Ronald D, Moore & Michael Taylor
Industrial Light & Magic: Visual Effects
Spock: The Early Years
Star Trek And The Science Fiction Museum And Hall Of Fame
Starfleet: The Vulcan Katra Transfer
Library Computer - Star Trek I.Q. (Blu-ray Live)
Plus Over 2 Hours Of Previously Released Content
The Voyage Home Commentary By Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman
Pavel Chekov's Screen Moments
The Three-Picture Saga
Star Trek For A Cause
Starfleet Academy: The Whale Probe
Library Computer - Star Trek I.Q. (Blu-ray Live)
Plus Over 2 Hours Of Previously Released Content
The Final Frontier Commentary By Michael & Denise Okuda, Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens And Daren Dochterman
Star Trek Honors NASA
Hollywood Walk Of Fame: James Doohan
Starfleet Academy: Nimbus III
Library Computer - Star Trek I.Q. (Blu-ray Live)
Plus Over 2 Hours Of Previously Released Content
The Undiscoverd Country Country Commentary By Larry Nemecek & Ira Steven Behr
Tom Morga: Alien Stuntman
To Be Or Not To Be: Klingons & Shakespeare
Starfleet Academy: Praxis
Library Computer - Star Trek I.Q. (Blu-ray Live)
Plus Over 2 Hours Of Previously Released Content
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