"The Lion King" stars a young lion named Simba. He can't wait to grow up and become the king of his father Mufasa's domain. This is much to the displeasure of Simba's uncle Scar. While Simba is off playing with his friend Nala, Scar is hatching a diobolical scheme with the hyenas to kill Mufasa and Simba so he can be the king. The plan works to perfection with the only glitch being that Simba survives, however he runs off to the jungle thinking he caused his fathers death. He meets a warthog named Pumba and a meekrat named Timon who teach him that the best way to deal with problems is to not worry about them. Meanwhile Scar lets the kingdom get destroyed and barren as both Simba and Nala grow up seperately. Eventually Simba is faced with the choice of facing his past or continue to live in his worry free life.